Find Your Stride with UWALK!



UWALK is a province wide initiative that aims to increase the physical activity of Albertans. Our free and interactive website is an excellent resource to help keep people motivated and on track to better health. Developed by the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta and funded by the Government of Alberta, UWALK.ca is fun, free and interactive!

To get started, visit UWALK.ca, where you can:

* log your physical activity online;

* track your progress and set personal goals;    

* connect with your family, friends and co-workers; and

* challenge yourself, a group or a team to a UWALK challenge!

UWALK works closely with partners and stakeholders throughout the province, building capacity from past and current walking initiatives. These partnerships and collaboration with traditional and non-traditional partners in the Alberta community inform UWALK in its strategies to engage Albertans.

With a little help from UWALK, you can track your physical activities and find your stride! To learn more, just visit UWALK.ca or contact info@uwalk.ca.

To promote a trail network, including the Trans Canada Trail, connecting all Albertans.